Intuitive data mapping and analysis tools to streamline decision making

Our products

Data mapping and analysis is critical to organisational strategy. But often, data is in disparate sources, making timely, data driven decisions difficult. SHAPE combines and overlays hundreds of datasets from over 40 sources, including NHS Digital, ODS, DEFRA, and QOF, to provide demographic insight and to create a single source of truth for planning and collaboration. SHAPE can be enhanced and tailored to suit your project and organisational needs, as set out below. The SHAPE team is made up of expert developers, analysts, communications experts and Better Business Cases™ practitioners. We understand the steps required to develop a robust business case and how evidence based recommendations and simple visuals play a critical role in ensuring stakeholder buy in.

Free to use for the public sector

An interactive data mapping, analysis and insight tool to support service planning and estate planning. SHAPE Place is free to use for the public sector and supported by the Department of Health and Social Care. The application is preloaded with national opensource data and useful functionality.

Insight and analysis

Your map, your data, your analysis

A private, confidential workspace, prepopulated with the national opensource data and features contained with SHAPE Place, plus your own data uploads and development time to create bespoke functionality and visualisations to solve your specific estates or service  challenges. 


SHAPE for the private sector

An interactive data mapping, analysis and insight tool, to support service planning and estate planning.  Preloaded with national opensource data and in built analysis tools.


Analysis and visualisation tools tailored to your project

As part your team, we will help scope the  requirements based on your objectives. We will provide the required technology and necessary analysis tools to support your reporting and decision-making requirements. 

You ask the question, we provide the answer

The SHAPE team can plot the visualisations required on your behalf and provide analysis and outputs to support your business case, strategy, or report. Saving you time and enabling you to focus on the parts of the project that only you can deliver.